Omega Mu Chapter Notes 1946-1950 November 4th, 1946 “Stickney suggested that we hold up on formal initiation due to the lack of knowledge of the fraternity by the pledges. Carried.” Charles E. Stickney November 11th, 1946 “Brother Stickney made a motion that pledges Eddy and Cronkite make a paddle for Bro. Danforth.” Frank W. Danforth December 9th, 1946 “Bro. Speir made a motion for an inquiry into the possibility of having Tom Tear made an honorary member of the house. Passed.” (TomTear was the cook for Omega Mu for 33 years!) John D. Utterback “Bro. Stickney asked that Bro. Utterback to design a snow sculpture. Passed.” Omega Mu Housemother Mrs. Houston April 21st, 1947 “At a special meeting of the Cabinet, the House Mother’s salary was raised to $2.50 a week, starting on April 28th, 1947 May 19th, 1947 “The Peanut Fight is scheduled for Wednesday night, May 21st.” “Brother Malcomson reported that the water bill has not gone up. Therefore, the custom of a glass of water before the evening meal shall continue.” November 10th, 1947 “A motion was made that Bro. Williamson make the beds every day and change them every week. He is to have Sundays off and be paid $6.00 a week. Passed.” April 19th, 1948 “Bro. Weber issued a suggestion: The childish displays with gunpowder in the house be discontinued.” “Bro. Macloed thanked the house for the cooperation which made the ‘Wild West’ party a success." May 17th, 1948 “Bro. Cabot pressed the fact that we now have $1,125 worth of new rugs and that they should be treated with due respect.” Brothers at the piano in the Castle. September 19th, 1948 “It was reported that progress on the piano had been checked. They are waiting for the new hammers. It has been refinished and the house must take better care of it than before.” October 4th, 1948 “Bro. Keith made a motion that Bro. Hunter be given the power to change milk men if we don’t stop getting poor milk.” October 18th, 1948 “Bro. Malcomson asked the bros. to push the Zobes a little on their test material and other such things as phone answering” October 25th, 1948 Bro. Williamson suggested that the radio be kept off until after Aunt Dutch is awake in the morning.” Passed “The usual bi-monthly “raking over the coals” was given to the Zobes.” January 17th, 1949 “It was requested that the Bros. be a little more eager in taking the housemother to meals.” February 7th, 1949 “The House and Grounds Committee asked that car owners keep their vehicles away from the front of the house after snow storms and that they leave the keys in them for moving when the snow plow comes.” February 15th, 1949 ‘Bro. Hawley announced that the snow sculpture will be a Mickey Mouse scene.” April 18th, 1949 “It was decided to sing “Lock Lomand” and “Smoke Dreams” at the Intrafraternity Sing.” May 2nd, 1949 “Bro. Treworgy asked that the red leather chairs not be taken outside.” October 17th, 1949 “The Cabinet decided to enforce no drinking on the 1st floor or the basement while women are in the house. $20 fine.” Brother Bill Zerman October 31st, 1949 “Some good ideas for the good of the chapter were suggested by Field Secretary Bill Zerman. It was suggested that everyone brush up on the creed.” December 12th, 1949 “Study hours will be enforced. $.50 fine.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge
February 5th, 1951 “It was suggested that the brothers be more careful in leaving their books and clothes around the library and living room.” February 12th, 1951 “An after the game dance will be held on Saturday, and cellophane grass-skirts have been ordered for the Fiji Island Party.” February 26th, 1951 “Brother Foley reminded the brothers that the quiet period in regard to the freshmen has to be observed upon penalty of receiving two months social probation and one month intramural probation.” March 23rd, 1951 “Brother Whitlock said that an old clothes party would be held this coming Friday.” May 7th, 1951 “It was announced that John Gibson would be in charge of Maine Day and that everyone will get up at 8.00 A.M. under penalty of the water treatment and start working at 9 A.M..” May 20th, 1951 “It was announced that Aunt Dutch would be back next year if she is treated alright and taken to all campus activities.” May 28th, 1951 “The meeting was closed in due form with the hope that we may all return to the Castle instead to a Korea.” September 19th, 1951 “The critical price situation brought about much discussion and the brothers voted to have a house bill for this year of seventy dollars per month.” October 1st, 1951 “The suggestion was made to have the steward ring a bell five minute warning bell before each meal.” “The motion was passed that all brothers participating in varsity sports be allowed to sleep each morning as long as they want as long as they did their work before their first class.” October 8th, 1952 “A Razoo is planned for tonight.” October 23rd, 1951 “Brother Simmons opened the meeting by reading a letter from the Maine Masque asking us to attend more plays.” October 29th, 1951 “Brother Vigue made the motion that the standard fire watch of 12-3 and 3-6 be kept. Motion carried.” November 5th, 1951 “Brother Simmons suggested that fire arms should not be fired out of the windows or around the house.” November 12th, 1951 “Brother Simmons announced the pie baking contest for the Agricultural Fair.” November 25th, 1951 “It was announced that he brothers should be more prompt in filling the head table at meal time.” December 3rd, 1951 “The Brothers were reminded to observe good table manners during meals.” January 7th, 1952 “Brother Russell and Brother Bartlett will be in charge of the skating rink behind the house.” “It was announced that the kitchen has been left too messy at night.” January 14th, 1952 “It was announced that Lida and Spida would show movies on Saturday night.” January 14th, 1952 “It was announced that the house must be quiet during exam week." February 25th, 1952 “Party discussion: As a result of previous conduct at parties, Brother Patton made a motion that a disciplinary committee be formed to prescribe punishment for the man or men who are out-of-hand at a party or at any other time in the house. The motions passed.” February 3rd, 1952 “Hans Thoma announced that the band for the Fiji Island Party would be Jim Hawks from Bangor.” “It was recommended that swearing be cut down in the house.” March 17th, 1952 “In recognition of Embassy Week, we will have a Rabbi for Thursday night supper and discussion.” April 21st, 1952 “Dress for dinner: It was passed that brothers should wear nice slacks, jackets, collared shirts and ties for Sunday noon meals, and the waiters would wear black ties.” May 12th, 1952 “Snaps for Brother DiBiase and Brother Wescott for their fine job on the Pine Tree Fiji.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge January 10th, 1956 “Brother Hester was appointed chairman of skit night for the house.” January 17th, 1956 “Brother Werner moved that we subscribe to Sports Illustrated. The motions was passed.” March 5th, 1956 “It was moved and passed that the house subscribe to Newsweek and Life for the next three years.” March 20th, 1956 “The motions to allow Zobes who have potato pealing, pots and pans and dish-cleaning duty to sleep after 6:30 was defeated.” April 10th, 1956 “Brother Hester moved and it was seconded that we have a Protestant minister for a speaker during religious emphasis week.” April 17th, 1956 “Brother Ronco gave a report on the section meeting he attended on April 13th-14th. Brother Ronco stated that we won the Scholarship Cup for the most improvement in scholarship over a period of one year in sections I and II.” May 15th, 1956 “It was voted that ask Tom Tear, Vera Hughes, and Martha Tate to return next year.” September 24th, 1956 “Brother Daigle suggested that we have a more serious note at the Razoos.” October 29th, 1956 “It was moved and passed that the fine for missing GI parties and fire-watch be raised to $2.00. The motion was passed.” November 19th, 1956 “Brother Hester moved that the Saturday night party be a costume party. The motion was seconded and passed.” December 10th, 1956 “Brother DiBiase moved and it was seconded that the brothers responsible for the damages incurred during the last party pay to get everything fixed. The motion was seconded and passed.” Februar 18th, 1957 “Brother Edgar made a motion that we have a cocktail party before the Winter Carnival Ball. The motion was passed.” March 3rd, 1957 “Brother Rand moved that both pianos be tuned. Motion carried.” April 29th, 1957 “Brother Thurston made a motion that we give Kelly 48 hours to conform with the ways of this house and it’s members or move out. The motion was carried. (He conformed.)" May 20th, 1957 “Brother Daigle reported that Dean Murray would be the speaker at the Norris Pig Dinner.” September 23rd, 1957 “Brother Cookson made a motion that each brother donate $2.00 towards a Hi-Fi set. The motion was passed.” October 7th, 1957 “The house decided that we were in favor of the Sex and Morality discussion during religious emphasis week.” October 28th, 1957 “The problem of outside members not attending house meetings was discussed.” March 3rd, 1958 “Brother Giostra made a motion that we hold our Fiji Island outing at the Hampden Canoe Club. The motion was carried.” March 10th, 1958 “The housemothers missing records was discussed and Brother Cookson would check into the matter further.” March 17th, 1958 “Brother Cookson discussed the importance of the house rules in relation to drinking, quiet studying, and the fire watch.” April 21st, 1958 “Brother Cuccaro made a motion that we have a jam session at the house on April 26th. The motion was passed.” April 12th, 1958 “Brother Haley made a motion that locks be taken off the house phones. The motion was defeated.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge January 15th, 1975 “Buddy reported that there will be a tobogganing party with the Fiji Little Sisters Friday night.” January 21st, 1975 “The Fiji Little Sisters will be coming to the house for dinner on January 31st for dinner and a small ceremony to formally initiate them as Fiji Little Sisters.” “The Zobies will be painting the basement floor as a pledge project.” January 29th, 1975 “Lee outlined the comparative costs of a pay phone and a standard phone.” “It was agreed that the pledges should wait on the tables and wash the dishes Friday night for the Fiji Little Sister ceremony.” February 5th, 1975 “Ted Curtis will be down Monday night. Everyone is encouraged to attend his talk.” “It was decided that the waiters will sit in designated seats during supper.” “Dean Lucy is sponsoring an arm-wrestling contest, and all are welcome to attend.” February 12, 1975 “The Little Sisters will be coming down to the house on February 25th to help with the rush function.” “The Little Sisters want to organize a skating party.” “President Neville and Pi Phi are coming to the house on February 27th for dinner.” February 26th, 1975 “New officers were installed.” March 5th, 1975 “Mike Wissenbach is burning the old ritual books, so know the Phi Gam Creed by vacation. Creed cards can be used, but no membership certificates will be given until it can be recited with help from the cards.” “There will be a poker game downstairs with all rushes.” “A St. Patrick’s Day party is planed with Phi Mu and Chi Omega.” “The Fiji Island Party is set for May 3rd, and there is a possibility of renting an island in Penobscot Bay.” March 10th, 1975 “The Rush Committee is compiling a booklet describing the daily life in the house and a resume of each brother.” “There will be a Bid Celebration Party after bids have been accepted.” “The Scholarship Committee was asked to check into a Scholarship Dinner in which everyone’s GPA would be announced, and those with high averages will be served steak and wine, while those with lower averages will be served green pea soup.” March 17th, 1975 “Dean Winston Pullen will be down for dinner on March 27th.” “After considerable discussion, the Scholarship Dinner will be held. All brothers, pledges, and Little Sisters will be served. Everyone will be served spaghetti, but those on the Deans’ List will be served wine, and all others will drink water.” March 25th, 1975 “It was moved, seconded, and passed to prohibit rappelling out of the second-floor windows, as insurance would not cover any damage incurred by an accident.” April 14th, 1975 “The House and Grounds Committee set Saturday as a full work day before Pig Dinner.” “Professors Hooper and Briscoe will be coming to dinner on April 15th.” “A hat was passed around to help sponsor Brian Daly and Cindy Warren in the Dance Marathon.” April 21st, 1975 “The cost of the Fiji Island Party will be five dollars, plus your own personal oh-be-joyful and whatever items you may bring for additional pleasure.” “Rob honored the graduating seniors with a brief summary of their accomplishments for the house and university.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge! February 23rd, 1976 “Cliff said that we have paid the $7,000 bill that was due to Housing Corp.” “Jobs will be posted for this upcoming week to be completed.” “2-3 rushes will be coming down each night this week for dinner.” “Chad’s father is donating a ping-pong table to the house.” March 1st, 1976 “Brother Harrington dropped in to grace the meeting.” “The blood drive went well thanks to all the pledges and Tim W.” March 11th, 1976 “The Little Sisters will attend Pig Dinner to help with the meal.” “Bids were extended to Mark Hill, Bob Cheney, Eric Knudsen, and Adam Jones.” March 15th, 1976 “The Muscular Dystrophy Drive that the pledges had this past weekend netted $195.00. Good job, pledges!” “The Little Sisters will hold a party to raise money for the Salvation Army. Passed” “We will be having a Scholarship Dinner this coming Tuesday.” “Little Sisters will do haircuts and laundry. Passed.” March 22nd, 1976 “Delta Tau has invited us to a party this Thursday night at 9:00.” “Bids were extended to John Gilbert (above) and Peter Leonard.” April 5th, 1976 “$400.00 has been put aside for Ekklesia. Those interested in going, please see Oakie.” “Greek Weekend is April 24th. A raft and chariot will have to be built.” April 12th, 1976 “There will be a party at Sig Ep this Thursday.” “The big wrestling match will be held in about two weeks.” “The winner of the Super Stars competition was the team of Matt Dennen, Steve Bourgeois, Bruce Verrill, and Craig Shaknis.” “We thank the pledges for the great formal they put on.” April 19th, 1976 “We are looking into a cheaper boat ride for Fiji Island.” “There will be a softball game with SAE behind Lengyel Gym.” “Please sign up for intramural golf.” April 26th, 1976 “Only 15 graduate brothers attended Pig Dinner.” “Pledge education meetings will be held every Wednesday night at 6:15, and the pledges will be picking their Big Brothers this week.” “The motion to have a clam bake with DU was voted down.” “Our coed volleyball team is back in action; please attend their games.” “Larry from Fraternity Sportswear will be here on Tuesday.” September 12th, 1976 “The Housing Corps will be here this Wednesday so keep your rooms neat.” “Tony went through the various jobs that must be done in the house, and he explained the Gig System for failing to do your jobs.” “The pay for the chef was increased to $12.00 per week and to increase his duties to include breakfast during the week.” “Keep the music down when playing it outside.” September 27th, 1976 “Please turn off all lights and electrical equipment when you are not using them.” “Party with Pi Phi this Friday.” “Sign up for volleyball, that means you Scrapper.” September 30th, 1976 “Waiters and dishwashers, your job runs seven days a week.” “A party for local children will be given at the house soon.” “We will participate in the United Way Campaign, as usual.” “We have been invited to a Sixties Party by Balentine Hall at Stodder Hall.” “Graduate Brother John Carr will be visiting the house on Sept. 22nd or 23rd.” October 12th, 1976 “Steve S. and George V. now have the responsibility of giving out gigs, and this coming weekend will be a work weekend, and there will be refreshments.” “Wally and Steve won in doubles tennis, and Wally and Danny T. won their singles games.” October 18th, 1976 “We will have a Harvest Ball, and we are inviting all four female dorms to attend.” “We are in the noise making competition at the Homecoming game. We will all sit together, and everyone must be there by 12:30.” “The Homecoming meal has been planned, and Graduate Brother Bradford has been talking up Fiji graduate brothers to attend.” “We beat TKE in softball and SN in volleyball.” November 15th, 1976 “We will hold a Link Ceremony.” “Marathon will be held on April 1st. Steve H. is in charge, and every brother in the house will participate in some way. The Bangor Salvation Army will receive the money.” “A Depression Party will be held this coming Thursday.” December 13th, 1976 “The Christmas Party will be a closed party with Little Sisters and dates.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge |
June 2025
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