January 15th, 1975 “Buddy reported that there will be a tobogganing party with the Fiji Little Sisters Friday night.” January 21st, 1975 “The Fiji Little Sisters will be coming to the house for dinner on January 31st for dinner and a small ceremony to formally initiate them as Fiji Little Sisters.” “The Zobies will be painting the basement floor as a pledge project.” January 29th, 1975 “Lee outlined the comparative costs of a pay phone and a standard phone.” “It was agreed that the pledges should wait on the tables and wash the dishes Friday night for the Fiji Little Sister ceremony.” February 5th, 1975 “Ted Curtis will be down Monday night. Everyone is encouraged to attend his talk.” “It was decided that the waiters will sit in designated seats during supper.” “Dean Lucy is sponsoring an arm-wrestling contest, and all are welcome to attend.” February 12, 1975 “The Little Sisters will be coming down to the house on February 25th to help with the rush function.” “The Little Sisters want to organize a skating party.” “President Neville and Pi Phi are coming to the house on February 27th for dinner.” February 26th, 1975 “New officers were installed.” March 5th, 1975 “Mike Wissenbach is burning the old ritual books, so know the Phi Gam Creed by vacation. Creed cards can be used, but no membership certificates will be given until it can be recited with help from the cards.” “There will be a poker game downstairs with all rushes.” “A St. Patrick’s Day party is planed with Phi Mu and Chi Omega.” “The Fiji Island Party is set for May 3rd, and there is a possibility of renting an island in Penobscot Bay.” March 10th, 1975 “The Rush Committee is compiling a booklet describing the daily life in the house and a resume of each brother.” “There will be a Bid Celebration Party after bids have been accepted.” “The Scholarship Committee was asked to check into a Scholarship Dinner in which everyone’s GPA would be announced, and those with high averages will be served steak and wine, while those with lower averages will be served green pea soup.” March 17th, 1975 “Dean Winston Pullen will be down for dinner on March 27th.” “After considerable discussion, the Scholarship Dinner will be held. All brothers, pledges, and Little Sisters will be served. Everyone will be served spaghetti, but those on the Deans’ List will be served wine, and all others will drink water.” March 25th, 1975 “It was moved, seconded, and passed to prohibit rappelling out of the second-floor windows, as insurance would not cover any damage incurred by an accident.” April 14th, 1975 “The House and Grounds Committee set Saturday as a full work day before Pig Dinner.” “Professors Hooper and Briscoe will be coming to dinner on April 15th.” “A hat was passed around to help sponsor Brian Daly and Cindy Warren in the Dance Marathon.” April 21st, 1975 “The cost of the Fiji Island Party will be five dollars, plus your own personal oh-be-joyful and whatever items you may bring for additional pleasure.” “Rob honored the graduating seniors with a brief summary of their accomplishments for the house and university.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge!
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