Our brothers careers have been productive, constructive, spirited, and prosaic. They displayed impressive skills, talents, and abilities They were, and we continue to be, a beautiful and lively expression of our enduring fraternal beliefs, and that underlying harmony is far-reaching in expectation for all brothers’, undergraduate and graduate. It is the core of what our fraternal founders asserted in 1848 and 1874 and 1899: to live active, commendable, and responsible lives, and to build up community. Clearly and compellingly, they added, and continue to add, positive value at the local, state, national, global, and fraternal level because they engaged life fully and responsibly. In short, they were authoritative pillars throughout life. They were-are exemplary in their citizenship, character, and their sense of dutiful responsibility, and, in many instances, they were leading voices in their career fields. They prove that success of any kind does not occur by luck or accident, and we remember them because they continue to provide that message for our time. Their spirit permeates our brotherhood, and it always will. We have long been, from one generation to the next, proud to be Omega Mu Fijis. We continue to cherish our fraternal friendships, our shared memories, and our evolving, forward-focused history at the University of Maine. These things, above and beyond everything else, are the underlying rooted connections that make us proud to be Omega Mu Fijis. Why, after all, should we believe otherwise? We have always exhibited a can-do fraternal spirit since 1874. And, to be sure, all present and future generations of Omega Mu Fijis will continue to do the same, with fraternal enthusiasm and commitment. As a brotherhood, we always see the path behind us and the way forward with equal clarity, and our future remains bright at 79 College Avenue because we fearlessly move forward, always guided by sound fraternal principles, and because of that we are an exceptional brotherhood because we remain committed and hardworking to assure that our Omega Mu brotherhood will continue to be the jewel at the University of Maine. Perge. Omega Mu Portrait Howard T. Engstrom, 1925 Omega Mu Years "The Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity entertained guest at a dinner and dancing party Saturday, May 19th." "The dancing of the evening started at 8:30 when music from a selected orchestra was furnished. The dance orders of dark blue and white were in the shape of a lozenge." University of Maine Howard T. Engstrom taught math at the University of Maine for several years before accepting a position to teach math at Yale University. Yale University Howard Engstrom accepted a position to teach math at Yale University, and in 1929 he earned his Ph.D from Yale. Cal Tech and University of Gottingen Howard Engstrom was a research fellow at Cal Teach and the University of Gottingen World War II Howard Engstrom headed research at the United States Navy's Communications Supplementary Activities (code-breaking) during World War II. Navy Distinguished Service Medal Howard Engstrom, right. Order of the British Empire "Howard Engstrom also received the Order of the British Empire at the conclusion of World War II." Univac Computer Howard Engstrom was one of the co-creators of the Univac Computer. "American computer designer who promoted the first commercially available digital computer." National Security Agency Howard Engstrom served as the Deputy Director of the National Security Agency from 1957-1958. Secretary of Defense Neil M. McElroy cited him for "Exceptional Meritorious Civilian Service." “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge
Our brothers careers have been productive, constructive, spirited, and prosaic. They displayed impressive skills, talents, and abilities They were, and we continue to be, a beautiful and lively expression of our enduring fraternal beliefs, and that underlying harmony is far-reaching in expectation for all brothers’, undergraduate and graduate. It is the core of what our fraternal founders asserted in 1848 and 1874 and 1899: to live active, commendable, and responsible lives, and to build up community. Clearly and compellingly, they added, and continue to add, positive value at the local, state, national, global, and fraternal level because they engaged life fully and responsibly. In short, they were authoritative pillars throughout life. They were-are exemplary in their citizenship, character, and their sense of dutiful responsibility, and, in many instances, they were leading voices in their career fields. They prove that success of any kind does not occur by luck or accident, and we remember them because they continue to provide that message for our time. Their spirit permeates our brotherhood, and it always will. We have long been, from one generation to the next, proud to be Omega Mu Fijis. We continue to cherish our fraternal friendships, our shared memories, and our evolving, forward-focused history at the University of Maine. These things, above and beyond everything else, are the underlying rooted connections that make us proud to be Omega Mu Fijis. Why, after all, should we believe otherwise? We have always exhibited a can-do fraternal spirit since 1874. And, to be sure, all present and future generations of Omega Mu Fijis will continue to do the same, with fraternal enthusiasm and commitment. As a brotherhood, we always see the path behind us and the way forward with equal clarity, and our future remains bright at 79 College Avenue because we fearlessly move forward, always guided by sound fraternal principles, and because of that we are an exceptional brotherhood because we remain committed and hardworking to assure that our Omega Mu brotherhood will continue to be the jewel at the University of Maine. Perge. Omega Mu Portrait Philip H. Taylor, 1924 Omega Mu Years Philip H. Taylor, arms folded, standing next to the pillar on the right. Philip H. Taylor, top row, first on the left. Phi Gamma Delta House Was Destroyed On April 2nd, 1924 University of Maine Athlete Ph.D Stanford University Philip H. Taylor earned a Ph.D in International Relations from Stanford University in 1936. World War II Philip H. Taylor served on General Douglas MacArthur's staff during World War II. Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Pacific Theater of Operations, General Douglas MacArthur. Special Orders to Korea, 1950 Special Intelligence Assignments for the C.I.A, 1955-1966 Philip H. Taylor was involved in gathering intelligence, for special operations, for the C.I.A. Syracuse University Philip H. Taylor was a professor of International Relations at the Maxwell School of Citizenship at Syracuse University, and he wrote significant papers about about the Soviet Union during World War II, the occupation of Japan by the United States, the history of Soviet control of North Korea, and the Socialist Party in the United States. University of Wisconsin, Madison Philip H. Taylor was visiting lecturer at the University of Wisconsin in 1948. University of Virginia Philip H. Taylor was a visiting lecturer at the University of Virginia from 1967-1971. Omega Mu Brothers Together Three Omega Mu Brothers. Philip H. Taylor has his hands on Cecil J. Cutts, '25, and Ted Curtis, “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge From multiple angles, our QTV and Omega Mu brothers have enriched the civic life at the University of Maine, and we are fortunate to have had many hardworking, talented brothers throughout our history. The balance between our athletic involvement, intellectual pursuits, and campus involvement is outstanding. In each area of involvement, our brothers brought energy and enthusiasm, and one particular area where our brothers brought particular depth and color was in many wide-ranging Maine Masque theater productions. With fraternal strength, Omega Mu brothers became mainstays on the theater boards when Maine Masque was established in 1906-1907. What a long-lasting accomplishment for all of us to be proud as Omega Mu brothers. Over the years, our Omega Mu brothers were involved in many Maine Masque productions, including Malcolm E. Fassett, Harry Lovely, Nathan F. True, Fernando T. Norcross, Theodore W. Haskell, Charles E. Stickney, Robert Irvine, William Demant, Evans B. Norcross, J. Richard Buck, Willam Keith, Harry P. Carle, Howard L. Farwell, Jacob M. Horne, Jr.; Bryant M. Patten, Sumner Waite, Norman D. Carlisle, Paul F. Slocum, Clifford H. George, Ernest F. Andrews, Robert S. Hussey, Elwood D. Bryant, Howard J. Stagg, III; Stanley T. Fuger, John T. Clark, John W. Ballou, George R. Berger, Robert D. Parks, Arthur B. Conner, Louis H. Thib0deau, Henry S. Simms, among many, many others! Praise for them is merited. Exhibiting diligence and discipline, these Omega Mu brothers, through many decades, brought a joyful vibrancy and communal vitality to the University of Maine community. What a superb gift to give the community, rich, alive, and inspiring. Significantly, many of our Omega Mu brothers were a driving force in many of the plays because of the impactful, leading roles that they often played, luring and capturing the imagination of the audience as they moved and glided, with apparent ease and poise, on the theater boards. By all reports in the Maine Campus and the Bangor Daily, their performances were quit affecting. The quality and depth of their disciplined art form joyfully enriched the lives of countless numbers of people. Our Omega Mu Maine Masque theater brothers, just like our athlete brothers, are an enriching testament to what it means to be a fraternity brother in Omega Mu, and we are proud of their dedication, creativity, and commitment in adding such an important historic angle in our fraternal history at the University of Maine. They exemplify the good of what it means to be a positive part of the university community, and in doing so showing the good of fraternal culture. Attending a play is a special, spirited experience, and we are proud of the legacy of these brothers for their unbending commitment to the beautiful creative art and discipline of Maine Masque theater productions. These Maine Masque theater brothers make us proud, and their legacy in Maine Masque history continues to shine. They, too, like our Omega Mu athlete brothers, continue to enrich and strengthen our perseverant and determined fraternal identity, 149 years strong. Maine Masque Brother Theodore W. Haskell, 1914 Omega Mu Years Omega Mu Brotherhood With Unknown Omega Mu Housemother Maine Masque "In pursuit of fame and fortune, under various legitimate aliases.....J. W. Haskell" “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge Truthfully, there is no fraternal brotherhood quite like Omega Mu at the University of Maine. We are proud of our history, and we are proud of the impressive number of fraternal brothers who played on many University of Maine athletic teams. With conviction and commitment, our Omega Mu athlete brothers brought a great deal of joy and satisfaction to the university community, creating many wonderful memories since the first baseball team was established at Maine State College in the 1870's. The worked together for the success of each Maine team, and the overall civic good of the University of Maine. The sheer number of Omega Mu athlete brothers is an unqualified triumph for the University of Maine. They each gave their best efforts on each team, and what they achieved perfectly compliments what we fraternally believe: drive and determination. It is a heady athletic legacy. Accordingly, their accomplishments claim our fraternal attention and respect. For the eminence of their athletic success; and, above all, for being our Omega Mu brothers, we are proud. Therefore, in the linked soul and spirit of our long fraternal history, we gratefully remember and celebrate our QTV and Omega Mu brothers who participated on many varsity athletic teams at the University of Maine. Their sacrifice of time was worth the effort for them and the student body at the University of Maine who watched them play. They created many warm memories since the early 1870’s. For the eminence of their athletic success; and, above all, for being our Omega Mu brothers, we are all very proud. Thoreau said it best: “What a difference, whether in all your walks, you meet only strangers, or in one house is one who knows you, and whom you know. To have a brother…How rare these things are.” How true that is, and we remain that way to this day. That is a proud fraternal legacy. Omega Mu Athlete Richard M. Paganucci, 1971 Omega Mu Years Omega Mu Housemothers Ruth C. Clary, Alma Pratt, Clara Hammond Chris Tremblay on Tom Richardson's shoulders. L-R: James Wolf, Cliff Goudy, Tyler Libby, John Collins, and Emerson Gorham. Rod Macklin, right. L-R in the front, Bob Mennealy and Paul Wood; behind, Pat Ladd and Mike Soloby. University of Maine Athlete Pag Writing about John Rhodes and "Dusty" Rhodes John Rhodes and Richard "Dusty" Rhodes With Omega Mu Brothers Kneeling: Steve Hayward Standing L-R: Richard Paganucci, Mike Soloby, Bill Soloby Tom Richardson, Mike Soloby, John Nale, and Dick Paganucci. Bob Duetsch, Richard Paganucci, Jim McLean, Jim Hays, and Paul Lessard. Mike Soloby, Pag, Mike McInnis, Mike Porter, John Nale, Tom Richardson, and Bill Soloby. “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge Truthfully, there is no fraternal brotherhood quite like Omega Mu at the University of Maine. We are proud of our history, and we are proud of the impressive number of fraternal brothers who played on many University of Maine athletic teams. With conviction and commitment, our Omega Mu athlete brothers brought a great deal of joy and satisfaction to the university community, creating many wonderful memories since the first baseball team was established at Maine State College in the 1870's. The worked together for the success of each Maine team, and the overall civic good of the University of Maine. The sheer number of Omega Mu athlete brothers is an unqualified triumph for the University of Maine. They each gave their best efforts on each team, and what they achieved perfectly compliments what we fraternally believe: drive and determination. It is a heady athletic legacy. Accordingly, their accomplishments claim our fraternal attention and respect. For the eminence of their athletic success; and, above all, for being our Omega Mu brothers, we are proud. Therefore, in the linked soul and spirit of our long fraternal history, we gratefully remember and celebrate our QTV and Omega Mu brothers who participated on many varsity athletic teams at the University of Maine. Their sacrifice of time was worth the effort for them and the student body at the University of Maine who watched them play. They created many warm memories since the early 1870’s. For the eminence of their athletic success; and, above all, for being our Omega Mu brothers, we are all very proud. Thoreau said it best: “What a difference, whether in all your walks, you meet only strangers, or in one house is one who knows you, and whom you know. To have a brother…How rare these things are.” How true that is, and we remain that way to this day. That is a proud fraternal legacy. Omega Mu Athlete Albert F. Hackett, 1953 Omega Mu Years Mrs. Butts, Omega Mu Housemother 1950 Snow Sculpture 1952 Snow Sculpture University of Maine Athlete "Hackett was the long ball hitter." Al Hackett, first row, second player in from the left. Maine Baseball Hall of Fame "He held three records when he graduated including most RBI's, most total bases, and most home runs...he had tryouts with the Boston Red Sox and was previously elected the the Maine Baseball Hall of Fame." “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge |
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