Willett C. Barrett January 11th, 1915 “Brother Barrett was elected as Omega Mu’s delegate to the Iota Mu initiation at Williams College. Carried.” “Brother Eddy reported that the last house party cost $60 more than the $200 budget.” January 18th 1915 “Brother Hall moved that the cost of boarding in the house be raised $1.00 per week. Carried.” February 1st, 1915 “Brother Hall moved that PGD officially recognize the fraternity of Lambda Chi Alpha. Carried.” “It was suggested that the brothers be quiet in library during study hours.” February 9th, 1915 “Brother Eades moved that the house have another faculty smoker. Carried.” March 8th, 1915 “Brother Eades as delegate to the inter-fraternity council bringing up the question of a sidewalk being built between here and Orono, and the idea of having a common initiation night on campus.” “Brother Creighton moved that each brother pay 50 cents for the purpose of buying records for the victrola. Carried.” March 16th, 1915 “Brother Creighton moved that a comm. of three be appointed to draw up bi-laws regarding the academic requirements of pledged brothers before being initiated. Carried.” April 20th, 1915 “Brother Eddy read the report of the meeting of section I Phi Gams at Worcester.” “Brother Hanson gave a commendable report of the work during the past year. He said that the house had a great lack of athletes, but socially the house had a very successful year. He pointed out that the house needed more men in the house next year than we had this year. He predicted a very successful coming year if the fellows only supported the new officers.” “Brother Hall reported that the house ought to support college functions better next year than they had this year.” “Brother Fannon asked all the brothers to help him write letters to prospective men.” May 16th, 1915 “Brother Hanson read a very interesting letter from Brother Ted Haskell, ’14, in which he told about the Cambridge alumni dinner.” May 24th, 1915 “Brother Hanson moved that the house pay $10 to help send the track team to the big intercollegiate meet. Carried.” September 27th, 1915 “Brother Daggett was a visitor at the meeting. Brother Daggett suggested that PGD be ready to help Mr. Cranston, head of the Y.M.C.A., in any way that he might need help.” October 4th, 1915 “Brother Eades moved that a fine of $.25 be placed on every man that is absent from the waiters crew and does not find a substitute. No excuses shall be accepted. Carried.” October 13th, 1915 “Brother Simms moved that the initiation banquet would be held in the Bangor House. Carried.” October 18th 1915 “Brother-profs. Lyon and Kaulfuss were present at the meeting.” October 25th, 1915 “Brother Mullen moved that a comm. of five be appointed to begin plans for the big Christmas house party. Carried.” “Brother Sweet that a comm. of three be appointed to look into the matter of cementing the bathroom. Carried.” “Brother Mullen moved that a comm. of three be appointed to look into the matter of repairing the ceiling and floors of the first floor. Carried.” “Brother Hunt read a letter from Mr. Cranston suggesting that Bible classes be held in the house.” November 1st, 1915 “The Bible class issue was discussed, and it was the opinion of the house that we did not need them.” “Brother Mullen moved that a comm. of three be appointed to arrange a speaker for one Sunday afternoon each month. Carried.” “It was suggested that the Steward make a report during the next meeting on the cost of the new set of dishes.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge!
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