January 12th, 1914 “Brother Thomas read hi s report of the Ekklesia.” January 19th, 1914 “Brother Randall moved that the seven o’clock study rule go into effect Friday Jan. 25th at noon and last until the following Friday noon. Carried.” February 2, 1914 “Brother Hall spoke for the rushing comm. in regard to the list of prospective Maine men now in the hands of the M Club.” “A letter from the N.Y. Fiji Club in regard to interesting our brothers in this club.” Robert Thurrell “Brother Thurrell urged more studying in the house and that all ranks and grades should be handed in to him as soon as possible.” March 2nd, 1914 “Brother Creighton reported that the invitations for the house party would be sent out Monday night.” “Brother Haskell read a letter from the Allegheny chapter extending an invitation to Omega Mu for a delegate to their house opening.” March 23rd, 1914 “Brother Hall moved that each brother at our meetings state what he has done for the college and the fraternity. Carried.” Brother Anthony P. Schneider “Brother Schneider moved that a new comm. of five be appointed to bring new spirit into the rushing process. Carried.” April 13th, 1914 “Brother Thurrell reported that a complete new ceiling would be placed in the dining room at a cost of $15.00. Also, the ceiling would be repaired in the music room. April 28th, 1914 “Brother Hall reported for the Tennis Court Comm. saying expenditures on the clay court amounted to about $10.00.” “Brother Haskell reported on the Outing Comm. suggested that the bros invite their girls to the next outing.” “Bros Thomas, Hall, Norcross, Abbott, and Haskell gave advice on cooperation and fraternity spirt.” May 11th, 1914 “Brother Schneider moved that we drape our pins and charter in respect for the death of Brother Sherman, and that a copy be kept in the chapter records, printed in the university and fraternity publications, and senior to his family. Carried.” May 18th, 1914 “The name of Ernest Coobroth was passed around the hall. The ballot was clear on Coolbroth.” May 25th, 1914 “Bother Thomas moved that our alumni members indebted to the house be given until Oct. 1st to pay their bills. If not paid by this time, their names be recommended to the board of Archons for suspension. Carried.” “The seniors gave short talks of parting advice to the chapter.” "World War I started on June 28th, 1914" September 28th, 1914 “Brother Edes moved that a comm. of one be appointed to take charge of binding our music. Carried.” “Brother Garrison moved that a comm. of three be appointed to make plans for fixing up the smoking room. Carried.” October 5th, 1914 “Brother Hart spoke a few words urging the brothers to keep up the scholarship of the house.” October 19th, 1914 “Brother Hanson read a letter from Bro. Chambers related to buying a cabinet for the preservation of the chapter records.” November 9th, 1914 “Brother Phillips moved that the custom of singing and having a social time at the supper table be established, with the understanding that smoking be allowed. Lost.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge
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