January 7th, 1913 “Brother Creighton moved that a committee of three be appointed to look into the matter of the house robbery. Carried.” January 13th, 1913 “Brother Doak reported that the robbers had been caught and dealt with by law.” “Brother Brewer reported that presents had been purchased for the housemother, cook, and maid for the sum of $9.25.” “Brother Thomas moved that one brother represent Phi Gamma Delta in a meeting of fraternities to arrange a suitable floral tribute for Mrs. Balentine’s funeral. Carried.” February 17th, 1913 “Brother Wetherbee reported that they were waiting to hear from Q.T.V. brothers who had expressed interest in becoming Phi Gamma Delta brothers.” February 24th, 1913 “Brother Doak reported that next Monday would be a good time to have initiation.” March 10th, 1913 “Brother Long reported a gift of a year’s subscription of George Banta’s Banta’s Greek Exchange. “Brother Norcross reported on his trip to Williamstown to attend the installation of the Iota Chapter at Williams College.” April 21st, 1913 “Brother Brewer read a letter from the manager of the Musical Clubs asking if we could house some men of the Colby Club for the joint concert. Carried.” April 28th, 1913 “Brother Long suggested a date of May 21st for the alumni smoker. Carried.” Brother Malcom E. Fassett “Brother Haskell moved that a letter be mailed to Brother Fassett on the event of his marriage. Carried.” May 12th, 1913 “Brother Thurell gave a snappy talk for the Scholarship Comm. and give the house an idea of how we stand along this line.” May 20th, 1913 “Brother Wetherbee moved that the house go to Dean Hart’s for an informal surprise party for him. Carried.” May 26th, 1913 “Brother Hanson moved that Phi Gamma Delta put a baseball team into the Inter-Frat League next fall. Carried.” “Brother Wetherbee moved that the steward take charge of the alumni banquet on June 9th. Carried.” September 22nd, 1913 “Brother Haskell moved that the steward be allowed to engage a second maid to assist in the work around the house with the understanding that she wash the dishes at night and clean all the study rooms. Carried.” September 29th, 1913 “Brother Hanson moved that a committee of three be in charge of the initiation banquet. Carried.” Brother Edson F. Hitchings “Brother Bradbury reported that Brother Hitchings had offered to pay for the drinking fountain.” “Brother Hanson moved that thanks must be extended to Brother Hitchings for his generosity. Carried.” “Brother Garrison suggested that all the brothers get girls for the Colby game and have an informal party in the evening. Carried.” “Brother Haskell reported that a Q.T.V. quarterly had been found in the library and suggested that we have it bound. Carried.” “Brother Thurrell moved that a comm. of two look into the matter of purchasing an electric flatiron. Carried.” Brother Charles E. Stickney “Brother Haskell moved that bro. Stickney act as our graduate representative to the next Ekklesia. Carried.” October 20th, 1913 “Brother Abbott moved that we accept the Mock Trial as part of our initiation. Carried.” Fiji chapter house at Brown University “Brother Haskell read initiations from Pi Iota, Pi Rho, and Alpha Chi asking that we send delegates to their initiations.” Delegates - Brother Hall to W. P. I. chapter. Brother Garrison to Amherst and Brown. Carried.” “Brother Haskell moved that the Christmas Party be strictly formal and last for three days.” Carried.” November 17th, 1913 “Brother Hall reported that the cost in building a new refrigerator would be $100.” December 8th, 1913 “Brother Haskell moved that the house stand behind the inter-frat council’s ruling not to recognize Lambda Chi Alpha. Carried.” “Brother Norcross moved that the Music Comm. be instructed to make necessary repairs to the pianos. Carried.” December 15th, 1913 “Brother Thurrell reported for the Scholarship Comm. stating that many of the bros. were not doing enough work in their studies.” “Brother Hanson moved that suitable Christmas presents be purchased for the house mother, maid, and cook. Carried.” “What if the space be long and wide, That parts us from our brother’s side A soul-joined chain unites our band, And memory links us hand in hand.” (Phi Gamma Delta fraternity song) Fraternally,
Chip Chapman, ’82 Perge
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